Commemorative medals from points of interest in CZ
coinage 067

The Orthodox Church of St. Peter and Paul


Pravoslavný kostel sv. Petra a Pavla

Karlovy Vary

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The Orthodox Church of St. Peter and Paul can’t be overlooked even by accident. It is situated in the area mainly composed of Art Nouveau villas in the Krále Jiřího Street and its golden domes are visible from afar. The model for the construction of this Orthodox Church was an old Russian Byzantine church near Moscow.

The Church of St. Peter and Paul is rich in decorations, which were partly sponsored by the wealthy Karlsbad (Karlovy Vary) patients of Russian origin. The major works of art include the relief of Russian Czar Peter the Great.

pultový prodej

Pravoslavný kostel sv. Petra a Pavla

Karlovy Vary