Commemorative medals from points of interest in CZ
coinage 046

Regional Museum in Mikulov


Adresa: Reg. muzeum Mikulov
Zámek 1
692 14 Mikulov na Moravě

Telefon: +420 519 309 019

GPS: 48°48'24.55"N, 16°38'11.7"E

GPS: 48.80667, 16.63639
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The headquarters of the Regional Museum is Mikulov's imposing chateau, rising high above the picturesque town over the road between Brno and Vienna. The border between Moravia and Austria was once guarded by a medieval castle founded by Czech King Otakar Přemysl I. Its Gothic defense towers, which still stand out from the body of the castle, remind us of how old Mikulov really is. The owners of the town, the families Liechtenstein and Dietrichstein, gradually developed their residence according to the requirements of the times, to its present Baroque elegance.

pultový prodej
Machine coins
Regional Museum in Mikulov Regional Museum in Mikulov coinage 046
GPS: 48.80667, 16.63639 Zobrazit na mapě
