Commemorative medals from points of interest in CZ
coinage 351

Chateau Hrubá Skála


A Zámecký hotel Hrubá Skála

adr Hrubá Skála 1, 511 01 Turnov
gps 50°32'41.564"N   15°11'35.444"E

tel +420 271 090 832 , fax: +420 271 750 274 

tel +420 481 659 111; +420 604 317 618 

Hotel Zámek Hrubá Skála s.r.o., Kaprova 42/14, 110 00, Praha 1,
IČO 01506072, DIČ CZ01506072

GPS: 50.5525, 15.17556
QR kód obsahuje souřadnice místa pro snadné použití ve vašem mobilu.
Hrubá Skála is located close to Turnov, in the picturesque landscape of Český ráj. It is only 1km away from the turning of the road between Turnov and Jičín, it is easy to reach by train and by bus.

Hrubá skála lies on the so-called Zlatá stezka Českého ráje. There are good conditions for hiking and cycle touring in the environs of the village. From Hrubá Skála you will get to all tourist points in the surroundings, such as the Trosky and Kost Castles, Turnov, Kozákov, Prachovské and Klokočské skály and other natural and cultural monuments.

Near the village on a wooded rock plateau, there is the Renaissance Castle of Hrubá Skála, built in the place of a former gothic castle in the 16th century. A nature trail starts at the castle and leads to the rock lookout of Hlavatice nad Turnovem. In winter there are good conditions for cross-country skiing; downhill skiers may go to Krkonoše or to the nearby downhill slope on Kozákov.


pultový prodej
Machine coins
Chateau Hrubá Skála Chateau Hrubá Skála coinage 351
Castle Valdštejn Castle Valdštejn coinage 350
automat je umístěn v areálu zámeckého hotelu Hrubá Skála GPS: 50.545071, 15.19436 Zobrazit na mapě
